Soul Mate Energy
by Jordan Canon

A soul mate is one of those terms that is not easily defined and similar to trying to explain to a blind person what the color blue is.  This is by universal design.  It is your own soul, the capabilities of your passions, and the dedication you are willing to commit to that define your version of a soul mate.

Creating (some people think finding) your soul mate is actually the easiest part of the process.  
Soul Mate Energy

I had the opportunity to watch an animated movie called Up.  There is a 4 minute part of the movie in the beginning that chronicles the life of two children that meet, get married, grow old together, and the wife passes away.  No words are spoken, but the film makers did an amazing job connecting to the emotion of soul mate energy.

I'd have to say, it might be the best single representation I have ever seen.  I hope you get the opportunity to see it for yourself, even you rent the movie just to watch that part of it.  In my opinion, it is truly a spiritual lesson on soul mate energy, and why it is so difficult (and special) to achieve.

Where Are You Going with this Newsletter Jordan?

Stay with me, I tend to wrap these things up in the end.  As we closer to the holidays, there is always a surge in relationship/soul mate problems being:

   1. I can't find my soul mate.

   2. I just broke with someone I thought was my soul mate.

   3. My soul mate and I are not getting along.

This newsletter is not about these problems, the website is full of content to help guide you in these areas.  It is the attitude and understanding of the term I wish to address.  This newsletter is about soul mate energy.

The only true way to know what the color of blue is, is to see it.  The same applies for soul mate energy, you have to feel it to understand its power.  The movie I mentioned will give you a taste of it, but you have had experiences in your life when you have felt the magic energy transfer of soul mate energy. 

I'll bet, you just thought of a soul mate energy exchange memory when you just read that.  Good.  

  • Do you want more of that same energy? 

  • How much do you want? 

  • What intensity can you handle? 

  • What times of the day can you exchange soul mate energy? 

  • Are you capable of giving more soul mate energy than you receive?

As I look at those 3 questions above, the first thought I have is: "Do you know what you're looking for?" Followed immediately by: "Are you willing to invest the energy it takes to get there?"

The universe can only create futures based on the energy you provide it.  If you have not yet defined soul mate energy, how do you expect the universe to provide you with a perfect environment?  It does the best job it can, which is why questions 1, 2, and 3 from above exist.  

What if you could rethink the questions and ask them in a way the universe understands, like this:

     1.  How can I help my soul mate find me?

     2.  What did I learn from my last relationship that I can use to create a new and better relationship?

     3.  How can I be the soul mate I want to have?

Evolution is less about liposuction and boob jobs, and more about your soul.  Be the soul you want to have and the universe can recognize you and learn from your energies. 

Love and light,
Jordan Canon

Soul Mate Energy

Soul mate energy is a special ability, and all abilities come with increased responsibilities to properly harness them....but I am getting ahead of myself.

Soul Starts with the Self

A woman gets in a mild car accident.  She is taken to the hospital where she has just minor injuries, but the experience made her reflect on her life and review if she was attaining all this life has to offer.  She realizes she has put her career, among other things, before investing any energy in finding her soul mate.

She asks the universe how long she has to live to find and share a life with her soul mate.  Surprising, the universe tells her:  "You have 30 years."

Since she's in the hospital anyway, she decides to have some cosmetic surgery on her face, some liposuction, and a boob job.  Happy with her new look, she leaves the hospital and gets hit by a bus at the first street she crosses.

Once she crossed over, she complained to the universe:  "I thought you said I had 30 years to live."  The universe answered apologetically:  "Sorry about that, I didn't recognize you."
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This Page Was Last Updated On: 10/8/2021

Let's Just Talk Energy
How will you find your soul mate?  How will get more soul mate energy from your current relationship?  How will a break up help on your path?  These common questions all look outside your soul.  Try looking inward and see what results you get.
"You find your soul mate by risking failure, disappointment, disillusion, but never ceasing in your search for love. As long as you keep looking, you will triumph in the end."  -Paul Coelho
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