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This Page Was Last Updated On: 10/8/2021

Create 21 Thank You’s
I am happy to continue picking topics for the weekly newsletter, but I get the feeling some of you are waiting for me to comment on something specific. I created a new web page just for this. Simply visit Suggest a Subject and fill out the form for any subject you would like me to comment on. 
You can to this website and subscribed to our newsletter seeking something. This should help you along with the process and enhance your Spiritual Journey.

All subjects are welcome, including Spiritual Astrology questions. As we teach here, it's all about Ying-Yang energy. Put it out there and see what comes back to you.
This week I am focusing on a subject the universe really wants me to get out there.  I guess it would come under the topic of getting started with a spiritual lifestyle, and "It's easier to be spiritual, then it is to become spiritual."  Here is a simple exercise to help get you started:You go through your day, relatively routine. How many times a day does someone say "thank you" to you?  You buy your morning coffee and get a thank you from the cashier.  Maybe you get a few more like that during the day.  
Create 21 Thanks Yous in 24 hours
Tomorrow, be Spiritual Aware, and count how many you get in the course of your day.  Furthermore, take note from who gives them to you and quality of the thank you.  A clerk thanking you for buying morning coffee is a low-level thank you from the viewpoint of spirituality.On day two, your goal is to end the day by receiving 21 thank you's.  Why 21?   I do not know, but I have learned to trust these messages from the universe.  The universe was not clear on that, but 21 is the number. In fact, the universe underscored the point of it being 21.

The only way for you to get 21 thank you's is to send out some form of low level charitable energy. Do something for a co-worker, help a family member, and assist a friend.  It does not have to be massive energy, just enough to generate 21 thank you's by the end of the day.In typical universe fashion, it sounds easy, but it took me 4 days to accomplish it.  I am always telling you, when you invest spiritual energy, the universe will send it back to you in a way you cannot imagine.  However, you must invest energy without expecting anything in return, or it is not charitable energy.  This might be the most important part of this lesson and exercise from the universe.

This is the basis for creating new paths of destiny through your relationships.  Every soul you encounter during your day is a relationship, according to the universe.  Your soul can only evolve through relationships.
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This newsletter was written based on an intuition I had from the Universe to help people get started managing spiritual energy.  If you haven't done so aleady, please consider joining our weekly newsletter by clicking the Subscribe link.  
"Every time we remember to say "thank you," we experience heaven on earth."
- Sarah Ban Breathnach
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A Spiritual Assignment from the Universe

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by Jordan Canon, Spiritual Advisor
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At the end of my 4 days, I was rewarded just as I said the universe would.  Again, rewarded beyond what I could expect to gain.  Reward is probably not the best word; the universe gave me charitable energy in return.  It is really more power to create more thank you's. 

I am battling the Temptation to list what those rewards were, because that would just seem to make the point of this whole newsletter.   However, I cannot.  The temptation (greed) of focusing on the return would take you away from the power of the light.  This is the only goal of temptation. 

You must expect nothing in return while you create 21 thank you's.
Instead, draw on the power of faith (what you believe) and charity (what you give) and watch how you can create a small but new path of destiny for yourself.  This simple exercise will teach you just how easy it is to have the powers of the universe work for you.  Once you learn to ride a bike, you can focus on how far and how fast you can go.
Watch Out for Mr. Sloth

You can have many reasons for not doing this exercise, but be spiritually aware of the most likely reason:  Sloth.  Sloth is a power of temptation that means you do nothing.  If you do nothing, you obviously cannot evolve your soul, and temptation was successful in keeping you from the power of the light.Here is this week’s message from the universe. I hope you use it to tap into the power of the light.

Love and Light
-Jordan Canon