Just the notion of having to recalculate because they could be a Virgo proves in itself they are still Libras.  The primary energy of the Libra soul (I Balance) is similar to the primary energy of Virgo (I Analyze) but how each soul uses their power is very different. A Libra tends to formulate a "what is right" position on any topic. A Virgo gathers data endlessly and is always trying to answer the question of "what if." 

Libras are a great resource to ask their advice on any subject. Virgos can generate possibilities for the same question, and then add more possibilities as long as you know them. If you learn the primaries energies of the signs, you will improve your communication skills ten fold.

Spiritual Astrology vs. Astrology

As a spiritual advisor, I would address and answer questions related to this topic differently than an astrologer might. Yes, we use spiritual astrology readings as tools to help us harness the energy of our souls, and create the future we want to experience. The concept of spirituality and the evolution of your soul means to look within. Universal law teaches us wisdom is wisdom, no matter who says it. It is the message, not the messenger you should focus your energy on.

Spiritual wisdom can be found in everything around you, if you choose to see it. Movies, TV shows, books, quotes, song lyrics, religion, and how we interact in our relationships are all universal tools with which we can look within ourselves and grow spirituality. I am sure you can relate to the exact words of a song that inspire you enough to accept a position that becomes part of your beliefs and who you are. Some might call that spiritual evolution.
Is My Astrology Sign Wrong?

Recently, the world was buzzing about the news that our astrology signs are incorrect. Could this be the reason you can't find your soul mate or your career isn't going as well as you would like it to?  
According to the report, we are all supposed to move our signs back one. If you're a Pisces, you're now an Aquarian, and if you're a Libra, you're now a Virgo. The latter created a flood of incoming emails. 

Wrong Astrology Signs

"Before one accepts spirituality, astrology is very powerful, like a lion.  Then when one enters into a deeper spiritual life, astrology becomes a tiny household cat.  -Sri Chinmoy
How Can My Astrology Sign Be Wrong?
What Sign Are You?Aquarius
  • If Buddha were to read his daily spiritual astrology reading, I would believe he wouldn't have read just his astrology signs, he would have read them all. You can pick up any spiritual astrology reading that is not your specific sign, and find wisdom you can relate to. 

  • Chances are, you find more when you read your own sign, but the opportunity for spiritual enlightenment exists far beyond our capabilities to comprehend all the sources the universe provides.

  • Any tool you use for spiritual growth is the messenger. The messenger has no relevance. The message, and connecting it to your own personal growth, is how to achieve and create a higher version of yourself. 

  • This is how you harness the energy of the light. Temptation is an energy that has only one goal, which is to take you away from the path of the light. If a news report says Libras are now Virgos, it sounds like an option that might just be trying to accomplish such as a task. 

  • Through the universal law of free will, you have the choice to believe in anything you desire. The universe can only create your future based on your decisions and the amount of energy you invest in them.

I find the whole thing humorous, but I do have one final thought about the subject. Those of you that feel slighted or upset that you may not be the astrology sign you thought you were, are really saying something else:

"I like who I am, who I have evolved to become, and the path I am on now."

Evolving your soul and creating a higher version of yourself couldn't be any simpler than achieving those goals. I say well done. You are the right sign. Or better yet, you are the right soul.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon
Vote and See Which Astrology Signs Visited Here Most
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This Page Was Last Updated On: 10/8/2021

Are You Who You Think You Are?
A professor in Minnesota tells the world we may not be the astrology we thought we were, kicking off a world-wide news craze. Is he right?  Can it be? From the viewpoint of spiritual growth, the real question might be: Does it matter?
"Jordan, I'm a Libra and 
I don't want to be a Virgo" 

This was the overwhelming sentiment of those that wrote in.  In fact, 95% of the souls writing were Libras, which I thought was an interesting observation. Both my wife and daughter are Libras, and they came home with the same upsetting realization that this could possibly be true.
Please Vote and Tell Us Your Astrology Sign

Being the curious soul I am, I thought it might be interesting to see which astrology signs are most interested in the possibility of their signs being wrong.

Of course, this is not to be taken with any offence if you happen to be a Virgo. Libras require balance and understanding of facts to properly categorize everything in their worlds. 

The notion of not being a Libra throws their entire scale of weights and measures out of balance. 

If this could possibly be true, there would have to be mass recalculations of everything in their existence, which is a daunting task given all the things they consider to have a premise based on a fact.
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