General Comments and Observations : Blog
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General Comments and Observations

by Submitted Request on 04/11/10

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Comments (49)

1. Linda said on 4/17/10 - 11:44PM
Your article on soulmates really hit a chord within me. I must become what it is that I want and BE the partner I want to attract....I am alone for a reason now, and that it IT.
2. Melissa said on 4/21/10 - 01:55PM
I agree, it is brilliant. The spiritual tarot cards gave me a chill up my spine. I am halfway through the whole thing. The author of this web site is really connected.
3. Jane said on 5/17/10 - 08:30AM
Thank you for this website. It was so important for me to read about soulmates and how we evolve through them. It's difficult to find places to read about soulmates, however on this website you explain soulmate relationships that are in line with the way the universe works. I also really enjoy reading about Yin and Yang. Thank you so much for taking the time to put this information out in the universe :)
4. Janette Jackson said on 6/29/10 - 01:11AM
A truly wonderful informative and thought provoking site. Thank you - you are helping me climb out of the rubbish bin!
5. Nellie said on 6/29/10 - 05:20AM
This entire site is so helpful in so many ways. I haven't read anything here yet that hasn't taught me something. I've grown so much in the past couple of months on this personal spiritual journey I've been on and am so grateful that Jordan has been here to help me along the way. My personal readings were amazing and insightful and my relationship reading couldn't have been more accurate and eye opening! Absolutely wonderful! Thank you very much!
6. shannon kelly said on 7/18/10 - 06:58PM
I found this site about a year ago; the beginning of a tumultous year and when I read this site and read Jordan's guidance my hope and faith is restored, resurrecting my motivation to grow spiritually and be the person I know is within. When I forget and get consumed by the day to day trial and tribulations I lose the light that I know will lead me to inner peace and happiness. Life is anything but easy and one thing is for sure - this world would be changed for the better if we could all listen and apply Jordan's words 100% of the time. A goal I'm still working to achieve but look forward to the day I look back and know I have Jordan Canon to thank for changing my life.
7. Patricia said on 10/12/10 - 03:41AM
I have been reading books on spiritual enlightenment and finally understand, with the help of this site also, everything that happens in one's life, begins and ends with them. We choose to be angry, to feel and hide from love, and not to welcome the kindness all around us into our lives, for fear that the individual extending the random act will definitely call in his marker, one day. I CHOOSE to accept and live and let live, who I am is who I am supposed to be because of the choices I have made and will continue to make. Thank you, Jordan and friends.
8. Nee said on 10/16/10 - 02:43AM
Your newsletter indeed make me to feel deeply about myself and my journey in this world ...sometime i see myself so absorbed in to the reading ....ahh. it is a wonderful creation. Many thanks.
9. Jessie said on 11/25/10 - 03:19AM
I do not have a subject, yet I want to thank you so much for your website, It resignates deep with in me and is affirming for me what I had already come to believe. I feel like your website is unlocking my knowledge of the secrets of the universe!
10. Meg said on 12/11/10 - 05:27PM
Thanks again for all your advice, you have put many of my challenges into perspective. I am very thankful that that universe has lead me to your site and for a person like you to provide guidelines/advice to help my soul evolve. It mean's a lot! Thanks, Meg :)
11. Nailah said on 12/12/10 - 05:05AM
Reading this article on Relationship Challenges provided a confirmation to what I have believed for some time now. I bare witness to the Truths that were explored in this exercise. However, with any spiritual growth, it is always necessary to re-assess one's personal development to make sure that one is "still" on the path to atonement with one's higher self and purpose. Thank you for helping me to see that I am growing in the right direction, while yet realizing that there is always room for growth no matter where one is in their spiritual development.
12. Nailah said on 12/12/10 - 05:06AM
Reading this article on Relationship Challenges provided a confirmation to what I have believed for some time now. I bare witness to the Truths that were explored in this exercise. However, with any spiritual growth, it is always necessary to re-assess one's personal development to make sure that one is "still" on the path to atonement with one's higher self and purpose. Thank you for helping me to see that I am growing in the right direction,while yet realizing that there is always room for growth no matter where one is in their spiritual development.
13. Melissa said on 12/26/10 - 03:09PM
I am thankful that I have found a site to help me futher my Spiritual Growth. The knowledge on your web site is very helpfull to a soul searching. Thank You.
14. Shannon said on 1/15/11 - 01:26PM
With a new year brings a new me! Though nothing has changed externally; my transformation can’t be seen by the human eye but it is the most important change in my life. Though I haven't perfected this new way of life, I’m finally able see how I have the ability to change the world around me. For the first time in my life, I can say I’m happy. Yes, I still experience setbacks (i.e., this morning I stepped out of the light and let external factors affect me), but unlike all the times before, my setbacks don’t last very long. I push it away and step right back into the light! With the guidance and support of Jordan Cannon and the information I learned from this website, I’m overwhelmed (in a positive way!)with a new view on me (my attitude and actions) and life in general….. Read on in the comment below!
15. Shannon said on 1/15/11 - 01:27PM
The external circumstances in my life (work, home, friends, etc.) haven’t changed, BUT I have. It’s like I’m floating on air; I've come to see the light, come to see how my fears and insecurities were burying this light. Funny, for years I thought I was living in the right, thought I was doing good because I acted with good intentions, but you’d be surprised when you actually step into the light, let go of all the external factors that hold you back, how clearer you’re able to see yourself, how much clearer your able to judge your thoughts and actions. You gain control, you gain love, strength and ultimately you gain happiness. I’ve been describing this enlightenment to a few people as the same feeling when you fall in love, head over heels in love with the person you believe is the one–your soul mate. This is the first time in my ENTIRE life, I’ve experienced this feeling without being in love, and what is causing it you may ask; I’ve stepped into the light. It's truly amazing.
16. Scocorro said on 1/18/11 - 03:37AM
Shannon's story gave me the chills! I know exactly what she means because in the past year I have been stepping into the light and, as she explains it, have also stepped out of it from one moment to another. Also, I feel I am in the beginning stages of falling in love with something and, as she says, it is not an actual person I am falling in love with but I am stepping more and more into the light! It is absolutely amazing and I am loving every moment! My life circumstances have not changed but I HAVE and I continue to grow as my soul evolves. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story!
17. Evie said on 1/21/11 - 09:57AM
I am new on this site and what I have seen so far on the different topics, I am very impressed at all the information and help topics available. I am looking forward to reading everything on this site and learning and growing.
18. Cheryl said on 5/10/11 - 07:14PM
I was directed to this site through someone I trust, and am happy to find that there seems to be a genuine intent to provide spiritual guidance for individual and the universe's benefit, not just entertainment.
19. Susan said on 5/25/11 - 09:53PM
I really like what I am reading here. Everything. I hope that the people I am sharing this with take the time to read at least some of it. I have a feeling some of them will. I am not even close to being through it all. Thanks for putting it all together.
20. Shannon said on 6/9/11 - 07:48AM
The information on this site is a gift that all of us can use to become better people; realizing all of us have the power within to be happy, bring happiness, and find peace. The power is the light and once you learn how to let go of all the blockage the light shines so bright that things that use to seem difficult; whether stressful or unattainable, become so simple that you can go through each day radiating the light from within. Love and Light
21. TJ said on 6/11/11 - 10:29AM
First time visitor on your site and so far I am loving the information and taking it all in. Looking forward to my reading to shed light on how to improve myself.
22. Shaune said on 6/28/11 - 05:22PM
Much Much and So Much APPRECIATION for this Website and EVERYONE who continually put it together. I love U ALL with all my heart and I 'm deeply touched that there is such love for mankind in people in this world. :) Blessings
23. Suellen D said on 7/1/11 - 05:15AM
I visit this site every day, sometimes more than once a day. I find the information valuable for enhancing my spiritual growth and development.
24. Brian said on 7/2/11 - 04:58AM
I recently came across Jordans site and I am amazed at the wealth of knowledge I have found so far, more than enough learning for beginners on their journey and even for those who have been on their path for a long time. I have read sections on Spiritual Enlightenment, Awareness, growth, temptation,7 deadly sins etc which has given me so much more insight to Spiritual matters I have not come across such a site of this caliber in all my searching, well done Jordan
25. Janell said on 8/21/11 - 05:44PM
I came across this site today. I pray that I can get the understanding that I hope for.
26. Gilli said on 9/3/11 - 04:44AM
I came across this site today .. i must say i have seen so many scam sites and it is refreshing to see this one and look forward to viewing the extensive info on this site.. tks
27. maria said on 9/8/11 - 03:25PM
hi, jordan this isn't a comment but a question.Does chinese astrology have any connection to are im a virgo and my mate is a taurus..which is a perfect match..but i am a dragon and he is a tiger which can be a difficult match...
28. DEBBI said on 10/11/11 - 06:52AM
I've always wanted to explore spirituality and make changes but it seemed that there was too vast an amount of material to cover. Your website and organization makes it possible to take on such an endeavor without having to take an expensive course on astrology. Its helpful to know that it will be a comprehensive and complete reading based on my birthtime versus the soup du jour often found in the daily paper. I also loved the website and all the topics I can explore.
29. zeba said on 11/12/11 - 07:53AM
Dear Jordan and all the visitors and members of this site, I have a question..can dreams be interpreted? maybe its not a part of spirituality or astrology. Where can I find a genuine answer to this question? And by the way I love this website and the way my questions are answered by Jordan..I always get the answers that help me so much. Thanks Jordan. (Sagittarius)
30. joseph said on 12/6/11 - 12:58PM
Dear Jordan, i just wanted to say that i was observing the site and it has alot of knowledge to gain from if one is willing to learn so thankyou for your considerable help spiritually
31. Debbie said on 12/28/11 - 11:16AM
I haven't received my first reading yet. I'm very excited!!
32. Naasira said on 1/6/12 - 05:13PM
Dear Jordan, I thank your for your charity. Every time I find myself looking outside of myself for answers or things, I catch my self & go to your site. I always find something new & relevant each time, even in things I've already read from you before...Love & Light my kindred Spirit
33. Blanca said on 1/7/12 - 09:52PM
Very interesting ideas in this website :)
34. Cindy said on 3/1/12 - 10:50AM
Jordan I would like to first than you for sharing yourself with us and not asking for monetary compensation. I only found your site a couple of weeks ago and feel as though I am looking through the eyes of a different person. It is a fantastic feeling of energy that I always new was there. A door was all I needed. You have given me that. Amazing words can not describe it.
35. Ben said on 4/10/12 - 02:50AM
This site seems to be very resourceful to the spiritual topic and i find it quite helpful this far.
36. Shana said on 8/3/12 - 10:47PM
I wanted to say Thank You. To you, to the Universe and to all the souls who find themselves here. This website is a beautiful slice of wonderful, and a it was a gift to have found it today.
37. Brigitte said on 9/22/12 - 09:55PM
Comment on "Understanding The Energy Of Judgment": We will love (ask any parent to define exactly what "love" is, let alone UNCONDITIONAL love!) our children, the moment they are born, unconditionally. This is absolutely NOT TRUE!! Perhaps only a few rare exceptions... Love in all of our other relationships is conditional love, meaning the volume and intensity of human love is based on a set of conditions. This is also NOT TRUE!! But could be possible in some rare cases... So, basically my issue is just with making these statements seem absolute, without proper regard for the fact that they may not always be true, and actually they are usually false (based on the proper definition of unconditional love, especially the first one regarding parents and their children!). I just had to express my feelings about this after reading this article because it is an issue I have intense emotions about through personal experience. Thank you.
38. Michelle said on 11/9/12 - 03:39AM
Not so much a comment as recommendation for reading. I have read Ekhart Tolle's "The Power of Now" and a couple of others and found it easy to understand and very helpful. Am very new to this and it has given me a better comprehension of spiritulity. Highly recommended! Also, appreciate all your hard work Jordan, very much.
39. Pamela said on 11/12/12 - 04:36PM
Your newsletter made me laugh with your comment: -- how can you be lost if you found --- It made me feel a bit better. I am feeling like a ‘lost sloth’ in the last 2 years. I have always known you HAVE to put energy out there in order to accomplish anything. I am hoping I have not turned into a lost sloth. I have gotten feedback that others are happy to see me take time off because I put so much energy out there in the first 40+ years it is mandated I take break and study and do stuff that interest me even if I do not yet know the purpose. My fear is that that sounds a lot like a ‘sloth excuse’ for putting things off. Anyway, only time (human invention I know) will tell. Thanks for all your work on the website!
40. Pamela said on 11/12/12 - 04:45PM
Even funnier....(see my post above)...I just went to your daily reading and it said: "Before you call the whole thing off, make a point of chatting with the experts....It's time to organize your life in a fashion that caters to the new interests you are developing" So....I guess I should still be studying this stuff (I do think of calling it off)????
41. Jo-Anne said on 12/20/12 - 06:05PM
I have just found this site today, I feel as though I was drawn here. I enjoy reading the quotes as they hold a lot of meaning.
42. Ana said on 1/14/13 - 08:21AM
I m glad that I am part of this site. Free astrology reading is so helpful and newsletter too. I learnd many things about me and others. This is not only for spiritual development, it s for developing our mind, soul, heart...
43. Kristi (cancer) said on 2/1/13 - 04:03PM
Hello, I am 40 years of age, and it has taken me just a few short months past to break away the chains of religion. I learned my connection to the universe, and I believe it sent me direct to Jordan and this site. I am ever so grateful. For since, his site is such a true blessing to me and many others. He is so generous for all the sharing of information via his site consists. I truly know who I am now, having come to terms and making many changes in all sorts for better, continual learning and process. It started as a difficult road for me for my family and friends were not too supportive, since it goes against their beliefs. Through Jordans encouragement and truths, my own growth spiritually, they are starting to clear the road for me, so to speak. So, thanks much to Jordan and all members for your sincerity and experiences along the way!
44. Lee said on 3/28/13 - 02:02AM
I am just so glad I have found this website. I was looking for some help and the Universe works in amazing ways. Thank you.
45. chris mato chun laro said on 5/13/13 - 10:59AM
I think all of us must vision quest and walk that message in our lives if we receive it. But if we look through history man's the same because faith and belief become too public therefore real spirit connection to ourselves and others is impossible. It is this public display of faith that ruins nations always because faith leads to war - always. Those who spread 'faith' or belief or new age spirituality the wrong way do as much damage as religion. Be careful and if you don't know how to be a spirit walker then stop doing what you're doing please. To those who've seen truth via indigenous vision, best of luck helping those who use native ceremony as 12-step catharsis. I send prayer and my voice on smoke for those who clearly see and those who do not. Mitakuye oyasin. cl
46. Daky, Scorpio said on 7/19/13 - 01:58AM
Thank you for the guidance you provide in order to increase our awareness and contribution to this universe!
47. Tania said on 7/26/13 - 06:09PM
21 Thank you's
48. L'etoille said on 8/30/13 - 02:00AM
Dear Jordan, thank you very much for the precious gift of the Knowledge you give us. Gratefully, L'etoille
49. Janet, Capricorn said on 11/26/13 - 11:15AM
love the site...been reading all morning. I came to the site for encouragement, possibly to find a way to get a past relationship back or totally out of my mind. Some of your suggestions I have been doing for some time and trying my best to be as patient as I can. Anyways thanks for the site. I will be coming back everyday to read.

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